Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Study Questions XL
2) The Speech not only liberates Jim from being considered nothing more then a nigger but it also liberates other slaves from the harsh opinions of the society. It makes people really that slaves are actual people and not just property.
3) Tom is proud of getting shot, that’s why he wears the bullet around his neck. Again, like most things about Tom, this symbolizes Romanticism, he wants to be like the hero’s he reads about in his stories, this shows that even after everything people go through they still don’t always change.
4) Through all his adventures and mishaps and seeing the cruel society that he lives in he refuses to live in civilization. He doesn’t want to be a part of it anymore so he moves to territories west of the Mississippi away from the society.
5) Since Huckleberry Finn is told in first person, we get to go on all the adventures with him and you see his views and emotions rather then just here it from someone else. Although it nice to be told from Huck’s point of view, he is a very unreliable narrator because he says things that aren’t true. But if this was told in another point of view it would have been a completely different story and there might have been a completely different plot.
Huck Discussion XXXVI-XXXIX
The Plan for trying to free Jim is actually quite simple but Tom makes sure to come up with some huge elaborate plan just to make it sound more exciting, even though it didn’t make hardly any sense and was unrealistic. The easiest solutions was just for Jim to escape and then have Tom and Huck pick him up, but since Tom had this crazy plan about digging under the cabin with case-knives Jim decided to wait and execute Tom’s plan. This was dangerous because the longer he had to spend being a slave the longer his life and well-being was at steak. And after waiting all the time and doing all the things Tom had requested such as taming reptiles, tending a flower with his tears. In the mean time, Tom had to write these letters to his aunt and uncle about how a gang of bandits from Indian Country were planning to steal there runaway slave, and because of all these complications Tom ends up getting shot in the leg. This really lays out the foolishness in his plan and in romanticism all together. Making things complicated just so they can be more complex and possibly exciting doesn’t help anything. It’s best if things are just done realistically and efficiently. Jim and Huck manage to get through tough situations just fine without all the extra details and complications that Tom likes to bring in situations, they use their street smarts, which is something Tom Sawyer lacks.
Study Questions XXXI-XXXV
2) Huck had once said that going to hell would be better then going to heaven because it would be more fun. But now he is saying that going to hell is a bad thing and he will go there for stealing Jim but he is ok with it.
3) The Country that they describe is dark and gloomy and lonesome, a lot like Huck is feeling right now, especially because he is without Jim, who has formed a strong bond with.
4) Huck kind of shows that he is somewhat religious and he is starting to believe in fate. As long as he doesn’t try to force things a certain way they will all end up the same and everything will be fine. Miss Watson would agree because she is very religious as well.
5) He makes up a story again. He says that nobody got hurt, just a nigger died, so he isn’t actually counting the nigger as a person which is ironic because he is helping Jim and he thinks of Jim as one of the best people he knows.
6) Romanticism vs. Realism. Tom Sawyer is on his way and since he is so adventurous Huck thinks he could help him find a way to steal Jim back.
7) Tom is doing because he wants to experience an adventure like he read in his books. And Huck is doing it because Jim has become very near and dear to him and wants him back.
8) Huck still has a good heart. Whether or not he like people he still doesn’t want to see them in bad situations, no matter how bad they are.
9) He thinks ok to steal when you are breaking out of prison, but its ironic because they are his families watermelons so they aren’t technically stealing.
10) Because he looks up to Tom and he thinks Tom is smarter then him cause he reads and has all these great stories.
Study Questions XXI-XXII
2) Because he doesn’t want to take part in the hypocrisy of the two men. He gains from what they do but since they are wrong he doesn’t want to participate. Even though he knows what they are doing is wrong, he doesn’t argue because he doesn’t want there to be altercations on the raft.
3) People tend to be curious. They have to be the first watching something, even in personal situations when they have no business being there. He also says that honor is more important that any other value even more important than one’s life.
4) Unlike the King and the Duke, the Circus is a real performance, not a scam. The Circus is trying to get money and in order to do that they think they should do Shakespeare, but it doesn’t really work out. Not a lot of people showed up so the King and the Duke use comedy to bring people in, like the circus does.
5) It shows that Huck is an unreliable narrator. He thinks that the man in he circus was the most deceived when really I was all a skit.
6) It made people wonder. They wanted to know why women and children weren’t allowed. It’s something for mans eyes only which is an interesting view of the way things were back then.
7) They are being seen as good leaders in the royal family, but really they are dishonest, unreliable, selfish and addicted to money.
8) It shows how much he misses his wife and children and he feels bad for faulting ‘Lizabeth. He keeps beating himself up for slapping her and he cant forgive himself.
• Widow Douglas adopts Huck, and makes him go to school, where he learns religion and gets a good education
• Huck has 6000 dollars that he wants to hide to keep it safe
• He runs away from Widow and Joins tom Sawyers gang
• Out of fear of Pap Huck gives his money to the judge to hold on to for him
• Pap takes him out to a cabin, makes him live and easy life. Even though he gets slapped around every once in a while its still a better life cause he has more freedom
• Huck decides to run away
• He Fakes his death and runs away to Jackson island
• Huck runs into Jim and they talk about why they are both there
• Huck plays a prank on Jim
• They see a floating house with a dead bdy in it
• Huck dresses up as a girls and tries to get information out of a woman
• They discover a stream boat. And in an act to be adventurous like Tom Sawyer he gets on the boat
• Huck meets the Grangerfords and meets Jim again
• Eventually they run away together
• They meet 2 guys that are pretending to be a Duke and a King, they are actually dishonest and not very good people.
• Town of Arkansas: they decided to act our Shakespeare but he can’t convince anyone to come and watch it.
• Switch their play to “royal nonesuch,” and it was a huge success.
• Goes to the circus
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Huck Finn XV-XX
• when they lost each other in the fog
• death and rebirth as a theme
• when the toeheads land on land the come in contact with society, and as long as they don’t the fog is individual and the river is together as a society
• the fog is something that is going to blind them
• because he hurt Jim and even though he is a slave and he still wanted to apologize. It is a step up, he is starting to see jim as a person with emotions and feelings and less like a slave.
1. Huck is having 2nd thought, Jim is almost free which makes him guilty of freeing a slave. Huck has been taught that slaves are peoples property and stealing is bad and by freeing Jim is like stealing someone’s property. Huck thinks he is a bad person because of it.
2. Jim has to steal his own family back if he cant buy them and Huck is allowing this to happen because he is helping him run away.
3. Huck says if he turns Jim in will he feel better, no he wont. What’s the point of doing the right thing when doing the wrong thing is easier and better. The right thing as viewed by the society is to turn him in and become a slave again, when really that is not the “right” thing to do.
4. Jim and Huck want to go to Pittsburg. They go by boat Cairo is a place they need to turn so they can go up the Ohio but if they miss Cairo they will miss the turn and then they will go into the deep south where there is a lot of slavery. And he is saying that the snake had done his work and made them miss Cairo.
• Bounty hunter is someone who are looking for run away slaves. Huck makes up a story that pa is really sick with small pox so they don’t want to go by the boat. And they feel sorry for Huck so they give him $40. Its ironic because they are doing something that isn’t ethnically correct today but still they are nice and give Huck money.
• Shows that society destroys nature. Racism is a taught institution. Huck’s natural instinct is to help someone else who is in need, Jim, and society tries to teach him otherwise
• Mark twain put down huck finn after chapter 16 for a few years he didn’t really know where it was going. Then he started writing another book call Mississippi and he went on a cruise and encountered signs of the clan, which made him pick up the book again. Mark wrote book in 1880’s. and he writes the book anyway to show that slavery was still going on in a way but was enforced through fear.
• The pictures were depressing because they have pictures of their dead daughter. Title of the medicine book they are making this romantic idea about death and about a feud. They kill each other off because that’s what your supposed to do in a feud.
• Romanticism VS. realism, Personas, superstition (snake), Ignorance VS. Niavatey. Role of an outsiderHuck is able to see how silly the feud is because he isn’t part of it.
• He says he doesn’t know anything about it. Moses was in the dark when the lights went off. He thought it was a real question not a riddle that Buck already knew the answer to. Moses frees slaves just like Huck. And it’s ironic because Huck doesn’t care for learning about Moses cause he is dead. This relationship shows reinforces that you can do the right thing with out actually knowing what your doing or being educated in religion.
• The hogs go to church whenever and the people only go to church on Sunday, hogs are better then people. They bring their guns to church and the sermon is abut brotherly love and how great it is and then out side of church they hate each other and kill each other, it is a contradiction.
The fued symbolizes romanticism, the two families are fighting against each other and they don’t even know why they are fighting in the first place. It’s a connection with Romeo and Juliet. Its natural for them to be competitive that’s their human trait.
• Its a paradox that they feel comfortable and free on the raft but on shore they don’t feel free. They can be themselves on the raft, on the shore Jim has to hide and Huck has to take on different personas.
· When they are wearing clothes its like being covered by the society but when they are naked they are free, so they don’t wear clothes on the raft so they can be even freer.
· Because Pap taught him that its better for people to have their fun and make their own mistakes and don’t interfere with their business.
· Huck should be considered the most shrewd because he is not being honest to what he knows about the Duke and the King
· He is making fun of romanticism and Shakespeare, who wrote Romeo and Juliet. The Feud, Duke and the king are examples of this.
· The King pretends to be a pirate who has been saved and now he wants to go back, but he needs money, he is conning people. Mark twain is Satirizing the gullibility of people.
· Yes, he reflects the society through them because just like how the society has good views and they go to church, the Duke and the King also have names that are supposed to be good, but they are not. He points out how the society is corrupt.