Summary: The Joad family took Grandma’s body to the coroner and they buried her. Then the family sets up at the first camp outside of town and they meet a young man named Floyd Knowles. He talks to him about how the police harass the people at these camps and the travelers in general. The police will put people in jail if they think they are heading workers, and they will kill anyone who speaks wrongly about how unjust the law is. Later Casy tells Tom that he was going to split away from the family because he doesn’t want to be a bother to the family anymore but Tom insisted that he stays because he doesn’t think its safe for him to leave yet. Then Connie says he is going to leave and go study about tractors, and not come back. After they all eat then Tom and Al go and help Floyd. Then a man in a fancy car shows up and offers the men jobs picking fruit. Then Floyd tries to blackmail them so they say that he tried to break into their car and they try to arrest him. But Floyd hits the cop and runs. The deputy that is with him shoots at him but hits a woman. Then Tom trips him and is knocked unconscious by Casy. Tom hides because he is on parole and doesn’t want to go back to jail, and Casy takes the blame and turns himself in. when night roles around Tom hadn’t come back so Al went looking for him. Uncle John tells Ma and Pa that he had kept 5 dollars so he could get drunk, and they tell him its ok because, after all, it is his money. Finally Tom comes back and the family decides to pack up and move over to Weedpatch. As they were leaving the cops stopped them and they were ordered to go to Tulare. Tom gets pissed, but he is restrained by Ma, but then decides that that they have rights and freedoms and that the cops cant tell them what to do so Tom turns around and cuts through town and headed to Weedpatch like they had planned on. As they left the Hooverville was burning down.
People vs. “Moloch” – the cops trying to arrest them and force them to do things which took away their rights, this also shows how corrupt the government was and the injustices that were being done.
Strength of family
The Joad Family
Floyd Knowles - a young man in a neighboring tent of the Joad family who explains the harsh harassment tactics of the police.
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