Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Grapes of Wrath Chapter 9

Chapter 9

Summary: This is a chapter that refers to the bigger picture in the book. The Tenants have to decide what belongings they get to take with them and what ever they decide they can’t take with them have to be sold for very cheap prices. People try and bargain for the tenants personal belongings and they don’t realize what some of the items mean to the people. They are able to get the belongings for way lower then usual prices because they know the desperateness of the farmers and they know how much they need to sell the items in order to move west. What ever the Tenants couldn’t sell had to be burned. Realizing that all their belongings and items that meant a lot to them had been sold or burned made them want to leave quickly.


· We vs I

· People vs Molach

No specific characters.

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